Technology in Construction

Technology in Construction

Construction has advanced exponentially due to technological advancement. CNC machines can now do many things that used to be done manually. Laser measuring allows a faster, more accurate way to take measurements. Computer programs enable users to develop blueprints and scale drawings with less time and human error. Information technology's marketing and communication aspects also have an essential role in the construction industry.

People in the construction industry must be computer literate to program the CNC machines to do what they need so they do not waste material or cause damage to tools and bits. Those that template and measure with the lasers must know how to work the device. Architects and engineers need to understand how to use the software programs to develop the blueprints and building plans so that they do not make dangerous mistakes. People at every level of construction need to have a basic knowledge of information technology.

Currently, technological advancements in the construction industry still require human interference. Given the quick progression of technology, I project that in the next ten years, technology will do more, and there will be less need for human interaction. I think it will get to the point that once measurements are input, they will only need to select which material is needed and measurements, and the projects will be completed from start to finish by the machinery.

The hardest part to automate through technology would be the offloading of materials and installation of the completed project. Transportation is already gearing towards becoming driverless, but that would not eliminate the need for people to load and unload. However, automated conveyance would provide efficiency by allowing workers to remain in one location while materials and supplies could be transported to them without halting productivity.

